Monday, July 12, 2010

I'm Back!

I haven't posted in a while because I was camping from 2 Thursdays ago to Sun.! It was a lot of fun and my friend from Michigan camped with us! It was great to see her again.
I'm almost done with Only the Good Spy Young and OMGOOSH! It is just great! Ally Carter is a really good writer and this book I give a thumbs up!
I still haven't gotten that book for school, Diamonds in the Shadow... *sigh* I have a ton of other books I want to read, but when I get it I have to pause on my other books and try to fast-forward through this one. LOL. I just hope its good and not something I regret...
Summer is going great for me! Isn't this a cute pic? I found it and it reminded me of relaxing and summer! I am having a lot of fun without school. I hope everyone else is having a great summer too! And to all of my school friends that I haven't seen in a while, Miss Ya!
Thanks for visiting my blog! Hope you like the new background, it seems very summer and fun to me. :)


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